Data Privacy

The SIM Group of companies (SIM) and our affiliates, respects your privacy and recognizes the importance of data protection. In the course of your dealing with us, we may be required to collect and use your personal data – such as when you register or participate in an event or as a committee, or through any other engagements with us, as summarised in the sections below.
In this statement which covers all entities under SIM, we would like to share how we process your personal data strictly for legitimate business purposes and in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act ("PDPA").
"Personal data" is data or a set of data which when put together, would identify an individual. Personal data may be in digital or non-digital forms and may include full name, national identification number, personal mobile number and email address, voice and/or image recording (such as CCTV, photograph and audio/video recording), age, credit card number, residential address and phone number. It does not include business contact information.
To "process" means to collect, use, store, transfer, disclose, alter, correct, delete or destroy personal data.
To find out more about PDPA, you may visit Singapore Personal Data Protection Commission’s website.
Please visit our website at https://www.sim.edu.sg/data-privacy for further details on our data protection policy, including how you may withdraw consent to collecting, using or disclosing your personal data.