The much-celebrated and opulent musical drama has returned!
You have the opportunity to be a committee, performer, or graciously attend as part of the esteemed audience, bearing witness to our highly anticipated annual magnum opus performance.
Sets, Props, and Logistics (SPL)
Hanan Rifai

Angelica Yuliana Widjaya
Steffi Nauli Basa Ng
Hillary Victoria Gunawan
Edric Andrze Joey
Made Darren A.
Nadira Azzahra Gunawan
Darren Tehonardo
Enviana Febby
Mutiara Rachma Akbar
Jhon Lawwen
Juliana Chandra
Steven Lim
Adelyn Tjandra
Muhammad Irfan
Egbert Lim
Gilbertus Austin H.
Totoro Chang
Jonathan Bryant
Wilson C.

Michael Brandon
Nadya Natasha Lim
Kadek Dwiki Kharisma
Josephine Thendean
Darryl Eliezer
Kenzie Willian Liandro
Jocelyn Amelia Kawira
Dancers and Supporting Cast
Brigitta Karen
Felicia Chandra

Giovanni Chandra
Jesselin Valentina B
Jerryyan Jofito H.
Irene Irma Damayanti
Velicia Chrisvella Ardelia
Karen Gozali
Riby Cannavaro
Charles Lauren
Timothy Aldo Setiawan
Faye Bernadine D.
Josephine Ivana Soedibjo
Jesslyn Santoso
Shafa Akilla Hartawan
Maureen Ranelle Latip
Alexander Zephanya